UltimaCybr Reborn

Blogging or Blagging?

Hello, welcome to my rebooted blog!

Having initially put off making a blog; I created one…Things were great, I’d edited the theme, added a couple posts etc. etc. That lasted about a month or so before I kinda forgot about the whole thing for like 3/4 years!

Fast forward to now, and I’ve decided to try and reboot the blog and see if I can actually keep it updated in some shape or form.

Here is a list of what kind of content I hope to publish on here:

  • CTF Challenge Write-ups
  • Coding Project Updates
  • General Cyber Tips - Family friendly
  • HowTo Guides - Cyber Tooling
  • Malware Analysis Write-ups

(Disclaimer: I can’t say for sure my content will be any good but lets wait and see :sweat_smile: For anyone reading this that is into video games, the theme I’ll be trying to resonate across the blog is FFVII (as well as other game/TV interests). I may also throw in some personal pics as post headers because, why not.)

First post - completed it…again :wink:

Tags: general
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