Blog Quickstart

How to quickly setup a similar blog in "minutes"

Setting Up

This process is based upon using a template already setup on Github (the same one as this blog) which helps speed up the process and avoids the overhead of coding an entire site yourself. Therefore, most steps here are links to self contained, simple to follow guides that’ll help you get up and running in a timely fashion!

  1. Fork the repo required: Beautiful Jekyll
  2. Configure your domain: Domain Setup
  3. New details on cloning and pushing to Github: Git Remote Repos
  4. Create an access token: Token How To
  5. Updating CLI permissions to push: CLI Permissions

With the above steps complete, you should have a skeleton setup for your blog. There are useful template files contained in the repo for you to edit and understand how things work too!

So what are you waiting for, get yourself out there. Blog about yourself, your work, hobbies. It may help land you a future role!